
Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe (only 2 Ingredients)

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This dirty Shirley cocktail recipe is made with just 2 simple ingredients. Taking a slight spin from a traditional dirty Shirley drink this dirty Shirley recipe is a perfect sweet drink made with cherry vodka and lemon-lime soda. 

easy vodka and sprite cocktail

Dirty Shirley Vodka Cocktail Ingredients 

A Dirty Shirley is an adult version of the classic Shirley Temple mocktail. Naturally, a dirty Shirley Temple cocktail includes the addition of alcohol. To make the adult version of this classic mocktail you will only need: 

  • 2oz cherry vodka
  • lemon lime soda, (Sprite, 7up, or even ginger ale)
  • Optional for garnish – maraschino cherries 

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Click here for my full disclosure policy. Some recipes on Thirst Priority contain alcohol and are for those 21 years of age and older. If the recipe contains alcohol, please drink responsibly.

You will also need a simple cocktail jigger, you can find one online here: jigger.

how to make Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe (only 2 Ingredients)

Adult Version of a Shirley Temple Drink

First, fill a glass with ice. 

ice filled glass

Measure the cherry vodka using the jigger. 

cherry vodka recipe

​Then pour the vodka into the ice-filled glass. 

shot of vodka with cherries cocktail recipe

​Fill the rest of the glass with the lemon-lime soda. 

Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe (only 2 Ingredients)

Garnish with a maraschino cherry or a few. 

easy adult Shirley temple cocktail

Easy 2 Ingredient Dirty Shirley Cocktail

This adult version of the classic mocktail with the addition of vodka is an easy cocktail to make for a special occasion or happy hour. A vodka-spiked Shirley Temple is the drink of the summer since it’s one of the easiest cocktail recipes to make.  

cherry vodka and 7up cocktail

A Dirty Shirley is a sweet cocktail that gets its cherry flavor from the vodka, which is why cherries are the perfect garnish. Make sure to keep extra cherries on hand to drop into this adult cocktail. 

Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe (only 2 Ingredients)

FAQs and Variations

You are always able to adjust a recipe to your own personal preference. Doing this may yield different results.

Do I need to add grenadine syrup to this dirty Shirley Temple recipe? 

While some like to make their dirty Shirley with a splash of grenadine we wanted to keep this simple and easy with just two ingredients. But you can add your own grenadine if you’d like. 

Who is Shirley Temple? 

She was a child star and a famous actress. When she was out with adults as a child she would drink a mocktail of 7up mixed with grenadine syrup to feel fancy. This is where the Shirley Temple mocktail drink gets its name. 

Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe (only 2 Ingredients)

Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe (only 2 Ingredients)

Yield: 1
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Total Time: 3 minutes

This dirty Shirley cocktail recipe is made with just 2 ingredients. It's a simple sweet drink made with cherry vodka and lemon-lime soda.


  • 2 oz cherry vodka
  • lemon lime soda
  • optional - maraschino cherries for garnish


  1. Pour 2 oz cherry vodka into an ice filled glass
  2. Fill the rest of the glass with lemon lime soda (Sprite, or 7up)
  3. Garnish with maraschino cherries

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